Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aquino stops PAL row

Manila Bulletin
December 15, 2010, 8:30pm

MANILA, Philippines — President Aquino has assumed jurisdiction over the labor conflict in the Philippine Airlines (PAL), ordering its management to suspend a planned retrenchment of its ground crew.

Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. said that the President decided to intervene in the PAL labor row since it involves “industries indispensable to national interest.”

Ordered “hold in abeyance” by the President were the implementation of two decisions of the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) that allowed PAL management to outsource some of its services to third party service providers as well as lay off some 2,600 employees.

In a three-page order signed “by authority of the President,” Ochoa said it was but “fair and just to afford PAL Employees Association (PALEA) ample opportunity to exhaust legal remedies available under the law.”

“The petition to suspend the effect of mass termination and the notice of strike are hereby consolidated pending determination of the merits," Ochoa said. “The orders dated 15 June 2010 and 29 October 2010 of the Secretary of Labor in the above-entitled case are STAYED.”

Ochoa said PAL management and PALEA have been ordered "to desist from undertaking any action that will aggravate the situation pending the resolution of this petition.”

Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said the President’s latest intervention in the PAL row meant there will be no layoffs or strikes for the meantime.

“Essentially, it stays two orders of the Secretary of Labor. What it plainly means is that on the part of labor, they will not engage in strikes. On the part of management, there will be no lockout. Everything is on hold,” Lacierda told reporters in the Palace.

“By assuming jurisdiction, the government will intervene and discuss it with both parties. If and when there is no agreement, then the Office of the President will render decision on the petition of PALEA,” he added.

The President earlier assigned Ochoa to review the decisions made by DoLE on the PAL labor case after PALEA sought presidential intervention in the conflict.

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