Tuesday, November 23, 2010

PAL seeks dismissal of 2nd NOS

Thursday, 11 November 2010 13:32 Recto Mercene / Reporter
Business Mirror

THE Philippine Airlines (PAL) on Thursday sought dismissal of the second Notice of Strike (NOS) filed by the PAL Employees Association (Palea) on November 5, saying the issues raised by union officials have already been decided when the Labor department upheld PAL’s planned spinoff as a valid exercise of management prerogative.

At Thursday’s second conciliation meeting at the National Conciliation and Mediation Board, PAL disputed the union’s claim that management was directly negotiating with union members.
“It’s simply illogical for PAL to ‘bargain’ or even attempt to negotiate directly with individual rank-and-file workers after it has already secured a favorable decision from the DOLE [Department of Labor and Employment] upholding its right to spin off and retire its workers in the process,” said PAL spokesman Cielo Villaluna.

In the same manner, she said claims of unfair labor practice and union busting arising from the planned spinoff had already been ruled upon by Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz.

 “There is no attempt by the PAL management to ‘restrain, coerce or interfere’ with the workers’ exercise right to self-organization—which are basic elements of unfair labor practice. Since DOLE already ruled that the spinoff is valid and stands on solid legal grounds, the union’s claim of unfair labor practice cannot hold water,” said Villaluna.

 “Palea’s public threat to proceed with a strike—even in the event of a possible assumption of jurisdiction of Palea’s complaint— is a clear indication of the union’s intention to ignore the rule of law. It likewise shows disrespect for the secretary of Labor and her office which has primary jurisdiction over labor disputes,” added Villaluna.

At Wednesday’s public hearing at the House Committee on Labor, union president Gerry Rivera openly declared the union’s plan to proceed with the strike vote and stage a strike notwithstanding a possible assumption of jurisdiction order by the DOLE.

 Villaluna said the strike threats only serve to scare away passengers, especially during the coming holiday peak season. This could push the airline into further financial difficulty, which is the very reason for its planned spinoff.  

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