Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aquino to allot PAL flights to other airlines, in case of strike

By Christine O. Avendaño
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 16:57:00 08/18/2010

MANILA, Philippines -- President Aquino warned Philippine Airlines on Wednesday the government would allot its flights to other airlines in case of a strike by workers.

The President told a news conference that his government has been studying the possibility of implementing an open skies policy or more so a ``partial open sky policy,'' which was done in the late 90s.

``There are certain airlines that will make up for the slack in case the flag carrier is not in the position to fulfill its obligations,'' he said.

President Aquino appealed anew to PAL labor and management, who have been in dispute over its collective bargaining agreement, to resolve their issues.

He said failure for PAL to do so would prompt the government ``to adopt a policy that will have to side to the riding public, the greater population, rather than the interest one corporation.''
Asked whether that meant the government would be adopting an open skies policy in case of a disruption of PAL services, President Aquino said: ``They will hasten the opening of our skies if they proceed to disrupt a very necessary service to the country.''

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