Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Malacañang taps Ochoa to resolve PAL labor dispute

December 7, 2010, 6:12pm

BANI, Pangasinan, Philippines – President Benigno S. Aquino III has designated Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. to broker the talks between Philippine Airlines (PAL) management and its ground-crew union PAL Employees Association (PALEA) to resolve the labor conflict and avoid any disruption in air travel services, particularly this holiday season.

Ochoa’s designation came in the heels of the hands-off stance of Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz, tossing back to Malacañang the decision to rule on the legality of PALEA’s strike notice.

Baldoz, in a telephone interview, admitted that the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) could no longer process any of the issues related to its labor dispute with its management since the case is now being reviewed by Malacañang.

The Office of the President is currently reviewing a decision of DoLE allowing the outsourcing of some PAL services, which could affect some 2,600 employees.

“Before they could file the notice at the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) to conduct a strike notice balloting, they should have filed the same notice to Malacañang, where the case is now pending. I have ordered the NCMB to issue a statement, saying that the issue is now beyond the jurisdiction of DoLE,” Baldoz said.

PAL welcomed the designation of Ochoa to resolve the labor dispute while assuring the public that it’s business as usual. “All flights continue to operate normally according to published schedules,” PAL Spokesperson Cielo Villaluna said.

She assured PAL passengers, especially those flying in and out of the country during the coming holidays, that PAL is exerting all efforts to ensure that there will be no flight disruptions.

Villaluna urged PAL passengers to come to the airport early – at least two hours before the intended departure time – to avoid long queues and other inconveniences.

“With heavy traffic, huge volume of passengers and tighter security checks as the holiday season nears, we would like to request our passengers to devote enough lead time when going to the airport. Please ensure that tickets and all travel documents are in order prior to approaching the check in counters,” she said.

On the labor confict, Villaluna said: “PAL appreciates President Aquino’s concern and desire to put closure to the PAL-PALEA dispute. Like the President, PAL believes that the public deserves a quick resolution to this issue so as not to further cause anxiety to thousands of passengers who have already firmed up their holiday travel plans.”

PAL management wants to finally resolve the issue of whether or not the PALEA has legal grounds to conduct a strike vote, much less engage in a work stoppage.

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