Monday, November 29, 2010

PAL flights to Korea normal First Posted 13:53:00 11/24/2010

MANILA, Philippines—Philippine Airlines (PAL) on Wednesday said its flights to South Korea remain normal despite the reported military tension in the Korean Peninsula.

In a news release, PAL will continue mounting regular flights to Seoul and Busan until otherwise advised either by Philippine or South Korean authorities.

PAL is closely monitoring developments, as the flag carrier braces for the possibility of mounting evacuation flights should the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and/or Malacanang make an official request in case the situation in South Korea deteriorates.

Updates on the conflict are also being fed to PAL management by its staff in Seoul who, in turn, get information from the Philippine embassy in South Korea.

Many times in its 70-year history, the national flag carrier—with its wide international route network—has been called upon to operate emergency missions to evacuate Filipinos in conflict-stricken territories.

PAL currently flies Manila-Seoul twice a day, to Busan four times a week, and daily from Cebu to Seoul.

For regular updates, inquiries, or booking requirements, visit the PAL website at

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